Try New Software v6.6.0【Major Updates】

We have updated the NEJE control software, and the new software brings many exciting updates

  • Add multiple work contents (pictures, vectors, etc.) in one task
  • Use non-stop scanning to complete the work faster
  • New text outline and fill support


Bug Report
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Gostaria de entender qual o problema que estou tendo em conectar minha NEJE 1 com o software? Não está reconhecendo a porta USB.

NEJE v6.6.0 does not work with NEJE 1. Please try downloading the compatible software here.

It does not install offline.
what I do?

The software can run offline, but you may not be able to access online images and firmware updates. If you want full functionality offline, you can submit feedback here:

Esiste l’aggiornamento anche per Linux? Se si dove potrei trovarlo? Comunque grazie per il vostro lavoro

We are very sorry, Linux is not supported yet. Sorry again.

Grazie per la risposta Jack, aspetterò con pazienza e buon lavoro


In all previous versions, when working with images, the main parameter was impulse duration (milliseconds). The default value was 10 ms. So, I tried all my typical tasks and found out the values I need.
Now there is only speed in mm/s? Is there any conversion rate or something? I cant do all my findings again, I have no time for that. For example, 10 ms corresponds to what in mm/s?

t = d/v
t = 0.075mm / speed
if speed = 10mm/s t = 0.0075s = 7.5ms

The new working mode is faster than the original one. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the new working mode as soon as possible.

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So, the 10 ms impulse time in the old version software is 7,5 mm/s in current version? Is that correct?)

To be honest, I can’t figure out.
6.5.2 software:
Time range is 1ms – 100 ms
Default is 10 ms.
When taking a black circle :black_circle: png image (6mm diameter small), on default 10 ms and 100% output the machine engraves solid black circle on steel in about one minute and the laser temperature is about 38-39°.

6.6 (new) software:
Speed range starts from 0,1 mm/s, the default is 100 mm/s.
When I set 0,1 mm/s the same circle, the laser is as hot as 45° and turns off in the middle of the process. If I set 1 mm/s the is no trace on steel.

What should I do?

After some experiments I have figured out what is the problem. The 2.2 firmware of the laser does not work with images. When I flashed firmware back to 2.1 there is no problem to engrave images in old software.

I will try to develop a function that can pause the old software for ms on the new software.

What I am trying to say, is that the new firmware 2.2 both in old software and the new one fail to start engraving simple png b&w image

I can send a video in WeChat

Hi, you said that the v2.2 firmware will not work properly on b&w images. Could you please send the origin images to my email? Thanks a lot.