Firmware version: 2.2.2
Neje 3 application version: 6.6.8
Windows operating system.
Firmware version: 2.2.2
Neje 3 application version: 6.6.8
Windows operating system.
How do I extract my parameter list?
Firmware version: 2.2.2
Neje 3 application version: 6.6.8
Windows operating system.
Firmware version: 2.2.2
Neje 3 application version: 6.6.8
Windows operating system.
How do I extract my parameter list?
Is this you are talking about?
This link is the GRBL settings. The NEJE settings are independent of the GRBL settings. You can go to the settings interface by clicking the gear button on the NEJE software.
This is my list of parameters with firmware V2.2.2
What parameters do I have to change so that when I connect the Neje the Z axis goes home?
What command do I have to give with ($) so that it is memorized?
Or how do I proceed?
For NEJE 3, the Z axis is not reset when it is started, and it cannot be reset through settings.
I will add this function in the new firmware, and I will notify you when it is completed.
Thank you very much JackWong, then I have to send home command to Z manually ( which is very good).
Can the motherboard of each Neje 3 I have be identified by a command?
Or only by typing $$?
I mean, does each motherboard have its own digital ID?
Each motherboard has its own digital ID, but this seems difficult to obtain. What function do you want to achieve?
I have some sold since the beginning of the year and I would like to identify them somehow.I mean for example, a client is called Tom and has machine number 41 and number plate xxxxxxx. Or the sticker on the plate?
When you open the troubleshooting interface of the NEJE software, you can get an SN, which is the serial number of the device and it is unique.
Hi, you can set z homing now see here
Note: To enable multiple advanced features, add the values together.
For example, if you want to enable both DOOR high level trigger and force Z axis homing, you can set $44 = 3
Setting $44 = 1 will switch DOOR to high level trigger mode.
By default, DOOR is low level triggered, which is easier to use, but it cannot detect DOOR switch damage.
Using high level trigger mode is safer, but not suitable for beginners.
Setting $44 = 2 will perform a Z axis homing first before homing command, (regardless of whether your device has a Z axis installed). Please make sure you have installed a Z axis before enabling this setting.
When the settings are restored to GRBL, in the last paragraph of this link:
What exactly happens? What changes in the parameter settings?
When resetting the GRBL settings, the device will load the default settings. Each different device may have different default settings. After restoring the defaults, you can view the default settings by viewing the settings again.
When resetting to default settings: do all the parameters I have changed also change?
(post deleted by author)
Yes, all configurations will be reset.
Gracias JackWong.