Connect A40640 II to RAMPS 1.4

Trying to complete installation of NEJE 40640 II to a RAMPS I.4.
Have 12V power direct from power supply to screw terminals on junction board.
Connecting TTL to D8 on RAMPS and able to vary the output voltage from 0-12VDC
Laser remains on at what appears to be full power regardless of the fan setting on either the LCD display or via the Repetier control. It remains on even if the fan speed is set to zero (M107)
Connected a 10K resistor between TTL and power supply ground. No change.noticed.
Using Marlin 1.1.9 since I could not get any of the Marlin 2.0 or higher to compile.
Appreciate any feedback Anyone could offer.

Hello Jack,

Thank you.

I’m struggling to get the PWM signal from the RAMPS 1.4 board to function correctly. Using Marlin firmware configured to enable Laser and PWM output on designated pin 6, I’m getting constant output at 5VDC and no response to M106/M107 commands. I know that is not the fault of your product. The laser module appears to be working just fine. Is there any need or benefit to installing a pulldown resistor between the TTL terminal and the Power Ground terminal in the PWM circuit (see attached photo)?

Marlin on the other hand is not working as expected. Struggling to get any of the newer 2.0 or higher releases to compile. I have been successful using the 1.1.9.x releases except for the PWM control previously mentioned.

I have Lightburn software loaded but I’m not sure if using it to control the system is appropriate until the PWM pin issue is resolved.

Trying to solicit help from the Marlin forum.

If you have any other suggestions it would be appreciated.

Thank you,


Good news! By trial and error, I was able to find a solution that appears to work. I changed my approach to obtaining a PWM signal from the RAMPS 1.4 board and which version of Marlin I am using and have been able to control the Laser output with M106 SXXX commands using Pin 6 and the associated ground connected to the TTL/GND molex connector next to the barrel plug on the NEJE Interface Transfer Board Input A.
Using Marlin and VC Code I was able to compile and upload to the Arduino Mega board successfully. with changes to Configuration.h Configuration.adv.h and Pins_RAMPS.h
If I can summarize the edits I’ll post to the forum so others might benefit.
Looking forward to many etching and cutting adventures very soon.

Thank you very much for sharing. I will put your experience in the sharing center, hoping it can help others.

Hello Jack,

Can you please explain how the 4mm tube is secured to the air assist nozzle?

The fit is very loose and I’m concerned about loss of air pressure and the potential for the hose to pop off while being used.



Sorry I’m nnot good at this question
I will call for help

You can use glue on the needle tube connection and secure it with a cable tie